Table Tennis Club

Table tennis in Yew Tree Hall, Lorton

Table tennis on Wednesday evenings began in September 2015 and is now well-established, playing on two new tables, purchased using grants from the Melbreak Communities and Allerdale Council. The group has about 20 semi-regular players, with 12-15 the average attendance. Most people began by saying “I haven’t played for 15 (or 30 or 40) years”, but playing table tennis really does seem to be like riding a bike and, a year on, the standard is much higher. We are a competitive bunch, but in the friendliest and most light-hearted way. Mostly we play doubles, according to the ‘new’ scoring system – new to most of us, but actually dating from 2001 – whereby a game is won with 11 points. This means the turnover is really quick, so no-one sits out for long. New regular or occasional players are always welcome, 7-9pm most Wednesdays, cost £2, including light refreshments. One warning – sometimes table tennis is ‘bumped off’ by other events such as the Parish Council, so check the calendar first.